Articles on: Pickup

Pickup | Add pickup options (Set minimum pickup days, blackout-specific days, exclude collections and products)

Adding pickup options and customising the pickup experience for users, is an easy task. Just follow the steps below:
Go to Apps -> Store Pickup + Delivery -> Settings -> Pickup

Store Pickup + Delivery - Settings - pickup

Adding minimum and maximum days to collect
Allow customers to be informed regarding the minimum and maximum days to collect their in-store pickup order.
Check the "Does the customer have to choose a pickup date?" to enable the minimum and maximum days to collect.
Max Days to Collect -> Maximum number of days customers can purchase in advance.
Set to 0 for no limit.
Set >0 for the maximum number of days in which the customer can collect the purchased items.
Minimum Days to Collect -> Number of days until customer is allowed to collect.
Choose between:
- Allow same day - the customers can redeem the purchased items during the same day of purchase;
- 1 (Disables same day) - the customers can pickup the purchased items earliest tomorrow;
- 2 (Disables tomorrow) - the customers can pickup the purchased items earliest the day after tomorrow;
- 3 (Disables after tomorrow) - the customers can pickup the purchased items earliest during the 4th day after the day of purchase;
- choose any other day interval up to 31 days

Store Pickup + Delivery - Settings - pickup

Set blackout dates
Go to Global Blackout Dates -> check the option "Set blackout dates for all your stores. (Please note that blacking out dates here will be reflected on all your individual stores)"
As soon as the "Set blackout dates" option is checked, a new field will be displayed -> click on the new field and choose the month, year and dates that should be in the blackout dates list.

Store Pickup + Delivery - choose blackout dates

The chosen dates, will be displayed in the drop down calendar.

Products mandatory for pickup
Collections can be added as mandatory for pickup. All products that should be mandatory for pickup need to be added to these collections.

Please note that for this feature to work properly you will have to set your cart to work as "page".
For these products there will be no shipping options, just the Store Pickup option.

Store Pickup - mandatory for pickup

Store Pickup - mandatory for pickup

Exclude collections and products
Any products in these collections or collections will not display the "Store Pickup" button, except if they are in a mandatory for pickup collection in the same time.
Please not that if a collection is also added as "Mandatory for pickup", it will not be added on the "Excluded collections".

Store Pickup - Exclude Collections and Products

Updated on: 04/10/2024

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